
Defining your target groups is vital in the process of communication

Target Groups functionality enables brands to select with whom they communicate. The key to successful communication is getting the right results for the exact group of people you talk to.

Target group is defined by 9thgn user, based on location and/or interests (keywords).

After this, the platform tracks down public posts and comments of those that fulfill target group criteria, without processing any of their personal data. Everything is anonymized, from the first stages of analysis.

Our AI powered Rezonate algorithm analyzes public posts and comments of target group members from various public sources, including social media. Live weather data are analyzed as well, to produce the best result.

Note that some plans offer analysis based on location only. This is effective as well, as our test show social media parameters increase up to 5%, when using location based reports. On the other hand, reports based both on location and keywords show more than 10% of increase in relevant measurable parameters on social media.

What are keywords in Target Groups?

Use keywords to filter out social media users that are being analyzed. You will get those social media users interested in something that you define. This can be a product category of your product.

In case you know interests of your potential customers you can use keywords related to them. For example, your potential customers may love sports. Or, they might be pet lovers. Then you use keywords related to sports and pets to form these two target groups.

The social media user has to mention either one of the defined keywords to become a member. For example, a keyword may be some nature related word, if nature lovers are your potential customers. Or in case of politics, if you want to address those supporting the opposition, keywords should be words or hashtags typical for these social media users. In most cases, you should use more than one keyword. See an example below.

List of keywords set by the user towards forming of a target group

What is geographical area in Target Groups?

Mark geographical area from which you want target group members to come from. This determines who becomes target group member. Our platform uses a pop up window with a map. You can select a point. The circle around it represents an area. Thus, target group members will come from that area.

Map used to set where target group members will come from

What is the Floating Target Group?

9thgn uses Floating target group. In this case, target group members are constantly changing, once they reach the member limit. In addition, new members also have to fulfill keywords and geographical area criteria. This means they have to mention the desired keywords and come from the selected geographical area. The oldest members are automatically ousted from the target group. On the other hand, fresh members are added.

Target Groups List

9thgn is suitable for both multichannel marketing and social media marketing

Multichannel marketing grasps wide audiences through different online and offline formats, but the goal is to target those from the defined geographical area with certain interests.

Similarly, online advertising platforms target social media users from certain geographical area using specific keywords. The difference to multichannel advertising is that less people see messages, but effectiveness is the same, in regard to those you wish to target. See illustration below.

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